It seems as if the dog god has decided once again to frown on my plans. First we had the PLL fiasco with everything in my kennel testing out to be either a carrier or at-risk. After the genetic test for the PLL marker came out I tested a litter that I had just had - turns out the father was at-risk and the mother was a carrier. Each puppy had a 50/50 chance of either being a carrier or at risk - and 4 out of 5 puppies tested as at risk. So much for those who said that the numbers would even out in the litter! Fortunately, all of my puppy buyers understood the issue and took it with more calm than I had. Having witnessed the effects of PLL myself, I swore off any breeding that could possibly create an at risk dog - so no carrier to carrier or carrier to at risk crosses will EVER be made here. I will spay my prize bitch before I issue a painful sentence to a puppy who was created through no fault of its own. And here we go again with the bad news. A year of waiting on a litter. A year an...
Confessions of a Crazy Rat Dog Mama