Lots of changes have been happening at the Jackalope House. I finally have a dining room table and lots of chairs - it makes the house seem so much more cozy! I really need to get on the ball and put plastic over the windows. Now that it is getting cold the old windows are really leaking some warm air. I need to face the fact that I am not going to get the trim painted without a massive dose of motivation that I really don't see myself having in the next 3 months. It is always harder to do things once you have moved in! I went fox hunting with my friend Erin last Thursday - I didn't take any of my dogs because I had a 3 day dog show starting on Friday. Thank goodness I didn't - Ana will hunt anything, including skunk. And yes, she found one. And yes she got nailed. UGH! AGAIN! She immediately came out for fresh air and Erin and I rubbed dirt and snow on her to get some of the stink off. We ran home for a shower - Erin got the brunt of the stink so she washed off herself and...
Confessions of a Crazy Rat Dog Mama