It feels like I haven't taken the dogs out hunting in forever. All of my free time (and most of my money too) has been taken up by the project that is the basement. I am attempting to turn the basement into a decent dog space - on one side there is an epoxied floor and will be this shower wall type plastic wall covering on the bottom 4' of the walls. On the other side of the basement will be my ginormous freezer (and I am hoping to add a second), a fridge for dog stuff, shelving for storage, a washer and dryer for dog blankets, a utility sink for washing dogs in and a couch and a television - and carpeted floors. The whole place will be a retreat for me and the dogs. My husband has his shop - so I need a place of my own! Last weekend was a dog show, and I am proud that Heidi Hoser the Three Toed Wonder earned her Grand Champion title. Rodear earned 2 legs toward her Grand Champion title, and she needs 3 more. Sniper took 3 out of 4 best of breed wins, which will put him b...
Confessions of a Crazy Rat Dog Mama